Saturday, March 1, 2008


Yes so I finally got around to doing something other than reading, writing, going to lectures (yay I love my lectures), and going to Church. A friend of mine here (Alyssa Lord) and I went to Winchester today to see, among other things, the house where Jane Austen died, the great hall of Winchester Castle (where the Round Table is kept - and yes, we also saw the table), and Winchester Cathedral (where we saw Jane Austen's grave and attended a concert by the Oxford University Orchestra). Aside from that we managed to traipse around Winchester and see things like the Royal Hampshire Regimen Memorial and Museum (boy those guys were busy on the 18th century - service in at least 3 continents and 5 theatres of warfare), the St. Giles lookout point, Woolsey Castle, Winchester College (old medieval buildings, yay!), an old medieval house that looked built for Hobbits (I was as tall as the rafters), and the King's Gate.

All in all, a satisfying day (capped off by a fun time trying to navigate the British Rail System).

In other news, I've also (maybe) set a personal record with 8 trips into city centre in the last 5 days, 3 straight times being among those fortunate few scholars who get to hear the bright bell bidding Bodley's bibliophiles bon-voyage, and hadd Fish and Chips at the Eagle and Child (mushy peas are actually pretty good).

A pretty eventful week. And now, back to reality - time for my last tutorial essay, this one on the British Navy (yay for narrow topis ;)

At the risk of being repetitive: I have a ship to attend, O Revoir.