Friday, February 1, 2008

Reading and Long Evening Walks

Yeah, running theme for Fridays: I've spent the last few days reading. This time its Pitt the Elder, a rather interesting chracter. Anyway, I suppose the only other thing of real interest to happen of late is that I am developing a predilection for long evening walks into the city to clear my mind before studying - it seems to work fairly well, and we certainly need times to just do something other thanr eading and writing here.

I suppose to give a little more commentary on churches, I'll probably be attending a charismatic Anglican church in the near future; I enjoy the high church services, although the mood is different - its not dry, but there is definitely more of a sense of awe to them than one of excitement. Its different, and I rather enjoyed the ones I've been to.

1 comment:

bajo said...

Long walks are fun, just make sure you don't get picked or nicked! Did your glasses ever get there?

The "spring" semester started up here last Thursday. It's funny, U-M calls it the Winter semester, and UNM called it the spring semester but it did feel like spring more often than not.